A banner image featuring a group of women in graduation attire with caps and gowns, standing together in a line and smiling. Above them is the logo of the University of Florida, and text that reads ‘Full-Time MBA Warrington College of Business’ along with three options listed below: ‘10-Month | 12-Month | 24-Month,’ indicating different program durations.

University of Florida One-Year Full-Time MBA

Launch Your Career. Faster.

Finish your degree in as little as 10 months.

You Can Afford an MBA

Lowest tuition of top MBA programs. 100% scholarships available.

Earn More Money

Median starting salary $128,000, median signing bonus, $30,000.

Fill out the form to talk directly with a member of our admissions team. We want to answer your questions about the UF MBA program.

By submitting this information, you agree to be contacted via email, telephone, and social media from UF Warrington. We'll always provide a way for you to unsubscribe.


Students offered jobs in three months after graduation.

Top 25

Poets & Quants Full-Time MBA 2023/24

No. 4

US News & World Report Best MBA ROI

UF's One-Year MBA program is a boot camp for corporate success.

Julia Lurvey, '21
Microsoft Account Executive

I didn’t reach out to Amazon. They reached out to me. UF MBA made the difference.

Gina Garcia, '21
Sr. Program Manager at Amazon

UF's One-Year MBA helps you stand out from the crowd.

Alexa Fischer, '21
Supply Demand Planner, Apple

The One-Year MBA equipped me with essential business skills that I find useful to this day.

Yasmin Van Zanten, '20
Enterprise Account Executive, Salesforce